Monday, October 27, 2014

Review: Carrie the Musical at City Stage Co.

My husband and I went to Wilmington, NC to celebrate our third anniversary last week, and the highlight of our trip was seeing City Stage Co.'s production of Carrie the Musical (directed by Nick Gray).  I was pretty sure I'd like it since I'm a fan of the Stephen King novel and movie about a telekinetic teenager and the worst prom ever, but the musical was even better than I expected.  I loved every minute, from the first note to the tragic finale, which managed to break my heart even though I knew it was coming.  The casting was perfect, and every actor did an amazing job.  I loved the songs and got chills every time the cast sang together.  Hannah Elizabeth Smith shone as Carrie White, and the moment that Carrie stops being afraid of her mother was simply incredible and put such a smile on my face.  Katherine Vernon was terrifying as out-of-her-mind Jesus freak Margaret White.  I've always thought that Margaret was much scarier than any horror movie monster or killer, and I'm sure that anyone who has read my plays wouldn't be surprised to learn that the super religious scare the shit out me. ; )  Hannah Laham and Annie Tracy Marsh were wonderful as lone survivor Sue Snell and class bitch Chris Hargensen, and I could listen to those two sing all day.  I was also impressed by Chandler Davis as gym teacher Lynn Gardner, Patrick Basquill as Chris' partner-in-crime Billy Nolan, and Brad Mercier as nice guy Tommy Ross, and Mercier's Tommy was so likable that I was hoping the character would have a different fate in the musical than he did in the book and movie.

I'm so happy that I got to see City Stage Co's production of Carrie the Musical, and I feel bad for anyone who doesn't get to see it.  I can't recommend it enough, can't stop thinking about it, and wish I could see it again. : )

My rating: 10/10

Here's all the info if you want to experience this phenomenal musical for yourself:

Murray contemplating whether this Carrie action figure is something he can eat

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